Virtual Clinical Education by MedSchoolCoach

Beyond Shadowing:
A Virtual Clinical Education

It can be difficult to accumulate the shadowing hours needed to get accepted into medical school. That’s why we collaborated with more than 20 of the world’s best doctors to give you a behind-the-scenes look at practically every specialty.
Team of Surgeons Operating


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Delivering a Look in the Life of an Ob-Gyn.

Take part in Obstetrics and Gynecologist shadowing as they explain in detail how they care for their pregnant and non-pregnant patients. Learn what Ob-Gyn specialists do to promote female health.

While participating in Obstetrics and Gynecologist shadowing you will follow Delores Williams MD. Dr. Williams is a retired obstetrician/gynecologist who has spent years tutoring and mentoring students as well. She attended college at Swarthmore College before attending Thomas Jefferson Medical College for medical school. During her career, Dr. Williams worked in family practice before completing a residency in Obstetrics and Gynecology and spending several decades in that field.

Much of Dr. Williams’ life has been devoted to helping students. Besides having raised and supported three of her own children through professional, Dr. Williams has tutored students through the Chester Upward Bound Program. In her free time, she enjoys working with premed students at MedSchoolCoach and spending time with her husband, who is also a physician.

With Obstetrics and Gynecologist shadowing through the Virtual Clinical Education Series you will learn about the daily life of an anesthesiologist, and earn a Certificate of Completion that you’ll be able to add to your medical school application and resume. By the end of the session with Dr. Williams you will be able to answer questions, such as:
  • What is the difference between obstetrics and gynecology??
  • What is an ectopic pregnancy?
  • Why are ectopic pregnancies sometimes dangerous?
  • Why are the presenting symptoms of uterine cancer?
  • Are there subspecialties of OB/GYN?
OB/GYN shadowing teaches students about the various aspects of patient care that they provide pregnant and non-pregnant women, and helps you learn about the ongoing research on women’s health.

Don’t forget to take the quiz after you complete the virtual shadowing so you can earn your certificate!
Surgeons hands
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Hours of Shadowing

Add Hours to Your Resume While Learning Case Based Medicine

Yes! At MedSchoolCoach, our mission is to enhance the learning of the future generation of physicians. While we have paid programs to work one-on-one with our physician mentors, we believe everyone should have access to learn about the amazing career of medicine.

Yes. Upon successful completion of each learning module, you'll be able to download a personalized Certificate of Completion.

It's never too early (or too late) to start shadowing. No matter where you are on your journey to becoming a doctor, Virtual Clinical Education can offer incredible insights into the daily life of a doctor and the various specialties you can pursue.