Virtual Clinical Education by MedSchoolCoach

Shadow shadowologist Dr. Punxsutawney Phil as he tries to determine whether his missing pre-meds have anything to do with the changing season.

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Puxatoney Phil, MD

Dr. Punxsutawney Phil may just be a groundhog, but he has leveraged groundbreaking techniques to identify weather-induced shadows. This skill is most honed at sunrise on February 2nd each year. He’s become quite skilled at determining seasonal lengths, looking for his shadow, and doing his best to predict an early spring. Of course, it is longer winters that enable students to virtually shadow from the comfort of their own homes.

As a shadowologist, Dr. Punxsutawney Phil tries to determine whether his missing pre-meds are all getting a Virtual Clinical Education from MedSchoolCoach. After all, Dr. Phil knows that if he can’t find his shadows, the students will have six more weeks to complete extracurriculars. It may already be 7:25am, but this just dawned on him.


Medical Specialty: Shadowology